The colours of the flags and what they mean
For the sake of uniformity and clarity, APWA encourages all participating companies to use uniform color codes as specified in the ANSI Z535.1 standard. That way, anyone would immediately know what type of utility line was underground. Red flags represent power lines, pipes, or lighting cables. They help to prevent excavators from coming into contact with these live lines, as this could create an electric shock hazard and loss of power in the area. Yellow flags indicate pipelines containing gaseous materials such as natural gas, oil, steam and oil. When these pipes are accidentally hit, they can cause a gas leak or possibly an explosion. Orange flags symbolize communication lines, alarm or signal lines, or fiber optic cables. These lines are responsible for Internet, telephone and television access in the area. Blue flags symbolize drinking water, while purple flags represent mud, irrigation or reclaimed water. There are also green flags for sewers and draina...